HR Department Hiring New Staff for CEO (GEC.WO) on behalf of ExirWorld

Meeting proceedings:


Meeting Date: September 16, 2023

Meeting Time: 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM

Meeting Location: B

Indicator Number: EX.WO-0000006


Meeting Attendees:

  1. Founder (exirgec.tag): GEC (ExirWorld Founder)
  2. Deputy Leader (exir.gec): (Deputy)
  3. CEO of (exirgec.wo): (CEO)
  4. Futurist Manager (exirgec.wish): (Futurist Manager)
  5. Blockchain Architect (exirgec.bard): (Blockchain Architect)
  6. Marketing Manager ( (Marketing Manager)
  7. Community Manager (exirgeccom): (Community Manager)
  8. HR and Operations Manager ( (HR and Operations Manager)
  9. Legal Advisor (exirgec.lega): (Legal Advisor)
  10. Finance Manager ( (Finance Manager)
  11. Quality Assurance (QA) Tester (exirgec.qat): (QA Tester)
  12. Tokenomics Expert/Economist (exirgec.tec): (Tokenomics Expert)
  13. HR and Operations Manager(


  1. Opening Remarks
  2. Review of New Staff Positions
  3. Discussion on Hiring Process
  4. Responsibilities and Roles
  5. Selection Criteria
  6. Interview Panel Formation
  7. Timeline for Recruitment
  8. Q&A
  9. Closing Remarks



Meeting Report

– The meeting is called to order by the HR and Operations Manager.

– A brief introduction of the purpose of the meeting is provided:

We focused on the importance of design thinking in business and the role of emotional intelligence in fostering well-being and prosperity.

Key Elements of Prosperity:

Discussed the five key elements necessary for achieving prosperity:
Proper Self-Knowledge
Scientific Definition of Prosperity
Knowing the Path to Prosperity

Implementing Design Thinking:

Explored how design thinking can be applied to enhance our business strategies, with a focus on customer-centricity and problem-solving.

During the meeting, we emphasized the need for a scientific definition of prosperity and the importance of understanding one’s unique path to it. Additionally, we discussed the practical steps required for planning and commitment to achieve prosperity.

The integration of design thinking into our business strategies was a central theme, with an emphasis on its role in creating emotionally intelligent brands and fostering well-being among our customers and employees.

The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to incorporating design thinking into our business practices and a renewed focus on emotional intelligence as a key driver of success and well-being. We acknowledged the significance of the discussed elements in our pursuit of prosperity.

Based on these reports, HR Manager suggested a new face fit for the purposes above and also new roles with such descriptions.

Review of New Staff Positions

– The HR Manager presents the list of new staff positions to be filled.


Discussion on Hiring Process

– The HR Manager outlines the hiring process, including job posting, candidate sourcing, and initial screening.


Responsibilities and Roles

– Each department manager briefly describes the roles and responsibilities of the new staff members within their respective teams.


Selection Criteria

– The HR Manager discusses the selection criteria for evaluating candidates.

– Attendees are encouraged to provide input on specific skills and qualifications needed for each position.


Interview Panel Formation

– The HR Manager and department managers discuss the formation of interview panels.

– Volunteers or nominations for interview panel members are collected.


Timeline for Recruitment

– The HR Manager provides a tentative timeline for the recruitment process, including posting job openings, application deadlines, and interview schedules.

– Discussion on any urgent hiring needs and expedited timelines, if required.



– Attendees are invited to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspect of the hiring process.

– Concerns, suggestions, and feedback are encouraged.


Closing Remarks

– The HR and Operations Manager summarizes key points discussed during the meeting and awaits new faces.

– Emphasizes the importance of collaboration and efficient hiring to meet the company’s goals.

– Next steps and action items are identified, including the formation of interview panels and the initiation of the recruitment process.

Action Items:

– HR Manager to post job openings and communicate the recruitment process timeline.

– Department Managers to finalize interview panel members.

– HR Manager to coordinate with department managers for candidate screening and interviews.

– All attendees to actively participate in the recruitment process.


The Staff to-be Hired :

Investment Manager
Portfolio Manager
Office Manager
Community Manager
Sales Manager
Program Manager
Technical Mentor
Blockchain Consultant
Accelerator CEO
Design Thinking Manager
Blockchain Project Manager
Flourish Manager
Franchising Manager

Quality Control Manager

forwarded to:
  1. exirgec.tag (Founder):
  2. exirgec (Deputy Leader):
  3. exirgec.wo (CEO of
  4. exirgec.wish (Futurist Manager):
  5. exirgec.bard (Blockchain Architect):
  6. (Marketing Manager):
  7. exirgeccom (Community Manager):
  8. (HR and Operations Manager):
  9. exirgec.lega (Legal Advisor):
  10. (Finance Manager):
  11. exirgec.qat (Quality Assurance (QA) Tester):
  12. exirgec.tec (Tokenomics Expert/Economist):
  13. and Operations Manager):

This meeting’s minutes will be documented and distributed to all attendees for reference.

These proceedings are hereby approved by the CEO (GEC.WO) on behalf of all meeting participants.



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