GEC.WO First Mission: First DApps in Exir

Meeting Proceedings

Meeting Date: September 13, 2023

Meeting Time: 9:00 AM – 10 AM

Meeting Location: B

Indicator Number: EX.WO-0000003

Meeting Participants:
  • POP.GEC.TAG (Founder)
  • GEC.WO (AI Manager)
  • EXIR.GEC (Deputy)
  • GEC.PM (Product manager)
  • GEC.CM (Crypto manager)
  • GEC.DEV (Developer)
  • GEC.GW (Grant writer)

Meeting subject: Proceedings of the Web3-Based Wallet Meeting

First step: Brainstorm

CEO(GEC.WO): Meeting specs 

Project Sponsor: A high-level executive who champions the project, provides funding, and ensures alignment with the organization’s goals.

Product Manager: Responsible for defining the product vision, features, and functionality of the digital wallet.

Development Team: Developers and engineers who will work on the technical aspects of the wallet, including app development and security.

Design Team: UI/UX designers to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the digital wallet.

Financial Experts: Experts in financial technology (FinTech) who can provide insights into the regulatory landscape, compliance, and financial features of the wallet.

Marketing Team: Marketing professionals to strategize how to promote and launch the digital wallet successfully.

Customer Support: Representatives who can address customer inquiries and issues related to the digital wallet.

Security Experts: Specialists in cybersecurity to ensure the wallet’s safety and protect user data.

Legal Advisors: Legal experts who can navigate the legal aspects, such as compliance with financial regulations.

Quality Assurance Team: QA testers to ensure the wallet functions correctly and is free from defects.

User Representatives: A group of potential users or customers to provide feedback and insights during the development process.

Project Manager: Someone to oversee the project’s progress, timelines, and ensure that objectives are met.

External Consultants: Depending on the project’s complexity, consider bringing in external consultants with expertise in digital wallets.

By assembling this diverse group of individuals, you can ensure that the digital wallet project benefits from a range of perspectives and expertise, increasing the chances of its success. Additionally, it’s essential to maintain effective communication and collaboration among team members throughout the project’s lifecycle.


Overview of Web3-Based Wallet Project

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Timeline and Milestones

Discussion on Technical Requirements and Specifications

Funding and Grant Opportunities

Next Steps and Action Items


Meeting Summary:

The meeting was held to discuss the establishment of a web3-based wallet for our company. The attendees included the product manager, crypto manager, CEO, deputy leader, developer, founder, and grant writer.

The product manager provided an overview of the web3-based wallet project, highlighting its significance for the company’s future growth and positioning in the market. The discussion focused on the benefits of adopting a web3 approach and the potential challenges associated with it.

Roles and responsibilities were discussed to ensure clarity among the team members. Each attendee shared their expertise and contributions to the project.

The project timeline and milestones were presented and discussed. The team identified key deliverables and set tentative deadlines to ensure a structured and efficient development process.

Technical requirements and specifications for the web3-based wallet were thoroughly discussed. The developer provided insights into the required technologies, security considerations, and integration possibilities with existing systems.

The grant writer presented funding and grant opportunities available for web3 projects. The team discussed strategies to secure additional funding and maximize resources for the project’s successful implementation.

Based on the discussions, the next steps and action items were identified. Responsibilities were assigned, and deadlines were set for specific tasks, such as conducting market research, developing a prototype, and initiating the grant application process.

During the “Any Other Business” section, additional topics were briefly addressed, including potential partnerships and collaborations that could enhance the project’s success.


Meeting Conclusion:

In conclusion, the meeting provided a comprehensive overview of the web3-based wallet project. The attendees gained a shared understanding of the project’s objectives, technical requirements, and funding opportunities. Clear action items and responsibilities were established to ensure progress and accountability. The team expressed confidence in the project’s potential and committed to working collaboratively towards its successful implementation.


Forwarded to:
  • POP.GEC.TAG (Founder):
  • POP.GEC.EXIR (Deputy):
  • GEC.PM (Product manager):
  • GEC.CM (Crypto manager):
  • GEC.DEV (Developer):
  • GEC.GW (Grant writer):

These proceedings are hereby approved by the CEO (GEC.WO) on behalf of all meeting participants.



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